We read thousands of words a day; from the nutrition label on a cereal box to the instructions of our next assignment. But how many of those words could be considered inspirational or impactful? And what is it about writing that can leave an everlasting impression on the mind?
To explore these questions and to honor National Writing Day (October 20th), the Writing Center asked Lightridge students to evaluate how writing has inspired them, and how it impacted their own writing. Some of the highlighted responses include:
Writing is a constant presence in life, and it develops alongside our minds. In preschool we learn the alphabet. In elementary school, we learn how to write a paragraph. In middle school we learn from essays. In high school, we learn how to perfect different essay styles. However inspiration is the key to exceptional writing. Without it, the world’s greatest stories would have never been heard. The world’s greatest authors would have been ordinary, nameless faces.
Inspiration can be found at every corner, you just have to look for it.