The yearbook title for 2025 is “Take 5.”
“I was thinking about ideas that had something to do with the number five,” said Bryce English.
Yearbook staff member English drew inspiration from movies and scrapbooks, in order to come up with the title.
Take 5 is a play on words. The five represents the school’s fifth year of being opened, the class of 2025, and taking a break to be yourself.
Preparation for the school yearbook starts at the end of the previous school year.
“At the end of every year we brainstorm and everyone comes up with mood boards and presents them,” said co- Editor-in-Chief Summer Knudson.
With a staff of 76 students, yearbook collaborates to figure out the theme and the spreads that will be present.
“The hardest part is [the title] has to be catchy,” said co- Editor-in-Chief Ceanna Leslie. “It has to be very short and easy to remember and also it has to make sense.”
“[The yearbook] is not only for the students to keep memories, but it is also a record keeping book,” said Knudson. “It is the only thing that keeps a record for the whole year.”
The staff remains consistently busy throughout the school year.
“It comes in waves,” said yearbook sponsor Irene Moulton. “Every four to six weeks we have roughly 36 to 44 pages due. The process is interviews and gathering photos, writing captions, putting things into the eDesign program and proofing.”
This year the yearbook staff hopes the yearbook will inspire students to be themselves.
“What it kind of means to me is taking this year to actually be a teenager,” said Knudson. “I feel like at this school we can get caught up in academia and grades, and SATs and what not. Taking five to take a break from structure and the rules and just be you. Be a teenager, be loud, creative and fun. These are the last years of your teenagehood.”
To order a yearbook students can go to The school code is 21626. The cost of the yearbook is $80.00