For many high school seniors, trying out for their last sports team marks a bittersweet moment in their athletic journey. As they step onto the field, lace up their shoes, or prepare for their last first game of the season, there’s a mixture of excitement and sadness. The passion for the sport stays but it is paired with the realization that some of the most fond memories and heartwarming moments that shaped their high school years are coming to an end.
“I’ve done track every season at Lightridge High School since my freshman year,” said senior Lily Cascio. “whenever I felt like school work was piling up, high school track was always an escape and it’s sad that this spring season is my last season here.”
While athletes are excited the spring season is beginning, there is a lot of nostalgia in the air. Some seniors think back to their first day on the team, when they were nervous and unsure. Some remember the long practices, the victories that helped boost their confidence, and the losses that taught them lessons to help shape them to who they are today.
“I like looking back and remembering how scared and alone I felt as a freshman but now seeing how much I’ve evolved through the sports I’ve played,” said senior lacrosse captain, Avery Speier. “ Lacrosse taught me so many lessons and taught me discipline and now I wish that I appreciated it more while it was happening.”
Not only were these athletes taught important lessons, some were able to build bonds with their teammates that are seemingly unbreakable.
“I have built so many friendships through Lightridge softball that I know will last a long time,” said senior softball player, Lexi Musick.
Many senior athletes have expressed their want to go back and relive some of their best high school sports moments, all of these memories making the final tryout feel special but also bittersweet.
Sports have been a huge part of many students’ high school experience, teaching them more than just how to play. Many of them have learned teamwork, time management, and how to keep moving forward when things get tough.
“There were many times that I had trouble finding motivation to get through the school day.” said senior soccer player, Layla Juliano, “but high school sports gave me something to look forward to.”
Being a student athlete at Lightridge High School has helped many people grow, learn how to balance a very time consuming after school activity while maintaining their demanding academic schedule, and face challenges that have shaped them into who they are today.
Knowing this will be their last season for high school sports brings mixed emotions, there’s a sense of pride in everything they have accomplished throughout the years, but also a sadness because they know it’s almost the end. The final tryout is a reminder that high school sports, and the friendships and lessons that came with them, are now coming to a close. It’s a moment that the seniors will never forget.
“Saying goodbye to my team will be hard since they’re like a second family to me,” said Musick,” but I can’t help but look forward to what is coming next.”