Russia poised to Invade Ukraine
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This map documents instances of Russian incursion into Ukraine as of Feb. 24.
February 25, 2022
At the time of this writing (Feb 21, 2022) tens of thousands of Russian troops sit at the border of Ukraine. These Russian soldiers all await one order from the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was originally created by Western European countries and the U.S. with the intention of protecting one another from the Soviet Union. The recent dispute between Ukraine and Russia has picked up heat as Ukraine, has begun making overtures towards joining NATO. Prior to 1991, Ukraine was a part of the Soviet Union. Seven other countries that were previously a part of the Soviet Union have since joined NATO. Putin is adamant that the Ukraine joining NATO is a threat to Russia and continues to politically discuss the affairs of Ukraine as though it is still under Russian guidance and leadership.
With the vague violent instances that have been taking place in Ukraine and Russia, such as shelling and a car explosion in Ukraine, experts believe that Russia may have the intent to invade Ukraine.
Western countries such as America and the United Kingdom have become involved in this affair. America has deployed 3,000 troops into Poland, a neighboring country, as an effort to deter Russia’s invasion. The leaders of these Western nations have threatened sanctions, a financial consequence, to hinder Putin’s attempts to invade.
The idea of invasions and war comes from the public appearances of Putin. Putin has had troops at the Russia-Ukraine border for months now, but the increase of troops has led Ukraine to push back- an unexpected reaction. Ukraine has had increased political relations with the European Union and other Western organizations. The tension between Ukraine and Russia has been present for years and the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, has been downplaying the gravity of the situation, saying, as reported by CNN, “the threat has existed for years and has become no greater in recent months.”
The people of Ukraine beg to differ. The Nord 2 Pipeline, a gas line planted underground by Russia, has been accused of causing the energy crisis in Ukraine. Ukraine is currently undergoing their third COVID-19 outbreak and a suffering economy.
The conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues with there being an eminent threat of a Russian invasion and a possible war. The only effort made to reduce the tension is requests from Western countries for Russia to remove their troops which Russia has not done.
Editor’s note: Hours after this piece was submitted to, Russia began its invasion of Ukraine.