World Culture Club Sponsors Fashion Show

Senior Bitaniya Menkir and sophomore Malalie Boettler show off their cultural dress.

Tessa Mlaker, Photo Editor

On Nov. 2, Lightridge hosted a multicultural fashion show that showcased a number of diverse outfits representing the cultural identity of the student models.  The event was designed to recognize the variety of cultures at Lightridge.  Toni Ikhile, co-president of World Culture Club and student organizer for the fashion show gave insight into this event and addressed the prospect of more events like it in the future.  

 “Cultural appreciation is the act of recognizing other cultures,”  Ikhile said, “It’s realizing that they are all equal and worth celebrating.”  

 “Our clothing represents our heritage,  which tells our story,” Ikhile explained. “It’s important for people at Lightridge to see that.”  

The World Culture Club encourages the celebration of diversity in the community and  highlights cultural events and holidays.

The club is planning potlucks that focus on culturally specific dishes and a foreign pen pals program.