Seniors get ready to summit

Lightridge Staff

Senior Summit information is posted outside the history workroom in the 1600 hallway.

Tessa Mlaker, Photo Editor

Senior Summit, or the Capstone Project, is a chance for Lightridge seniors to gain real life experience and pursue opportunities that interest them to prepare for their post high school plans. 

 “It’s really to get some real experience outside of school, it puts a different perspective on their education and gives them a chance to actually apply it to something,” said Assistant Principal and Senior Summit sponsor Jeremy Cortash.

“We had someone go to Los Angeles to work in a fashion house because they were interested in fashion,” said Cortash when asked about previous Senior Summit experiences. “We even had another student who worked at a mortuary because she wanted to be an undertaker. We’ve had all sorts of cool experiences.” 

Rhapsody Barbrow, who also sponsors the program, explained it is an opportunity to “take off school” and for students to put themselves in a position to explore the things they’re interested in. 

“If they were interested in being a doctor, they would talk to a doctor for two weeks, if they are interested in law they would find a lawyer to shadow for that two week time period,” Barbrow explained. “Students that are interested in construction are going to different places to enhance their skills and passion.”

“There are so many opportunities for students, based on their interests, to spend that time to say ‘hey is this really what I want to do after I graduate,’” said Barbrow.

There is a Schoology page and instagram site, LHS Senior Summit, that can help students find opportunities and internships that interest them. 

“If they are interested in a specific business they’ll call up the manager and ask if they have internship opportunities.” Cortash explained it as the most common way to find opportunities.

Lightridge recommends starting out by thinking about what they see themselves doing in the future. You can also try something that may be different than what you plan on studying in the upcoming years. 

The next step is finding a sponsor. “Looking for sponsors through family connections is a smart way to find one.” Barbrow explained.

In order to be eligible for Senior Summit, seniors must have all their grades be at a C or higher, students must have good and reasonable attendance, and students need to complete a total of sixty hours of Senior Summit.

The Senior Summit application is due February 28th. The Senior Summit experience itself starts May 15 through the 26 and May 30th will be the Senior Summit celebration. 

Applications can be found on the Senior Summit Schoology page, and the Lightridge website. Students will receive their approval emails by March 20th. 

After completing the total hours required for Senior Summit, students must create a presentation to share with the community. Students are expected to discuss what they did, what they learned through their experience, and how they will apply it to their future.