Lightridge’s economic classes have found a new and creative way to review unit materials. The windows in the connecting passage between the 1400 and 1700 hallways are covered with calculations, formulas, graphs and student notes. Half science, half artwork, the notes were put there by the students to help facilitate study.
“It’s basically the six units that we worked on in micro economics,” said economics teacher Peter Kim. “They did this because they were taking a comprehensive test, so this was a way for them to review, and their classmates could see the windows and they could go over it together. It’s a lot of information, so we needed to find someplace where they could all just kinda look at it and see and then have conversations.”
Students from one of Kim’s classes found the window review incredibly helpful. Seeing all the information on a wide space helped with refreshing the students memories on the past units that they had learned.
“So, a lot of the units we did it was like at the beginning of the year and no one really remembered them other than like what we had like really learned in class,” said junior Dunah Helebo. “I thought it really helped with refreshing myself with that information.”
Senior Varun Somarauthu agreed.
“For us it was a great review and after that we could look at our classmates’ windows and review the other units as well before the final exam,” said Somarauthu.
Both students felt confident after reviewing the work on the windows. This method of review allowed students to communicate the learning material to one another in a way where they all could understand it. Kim said that he wants his students to be able to show off what they learn, and to be proud of all the work that they accomplish because it’s not all about the grade, it’s about taking pride in the progress you make along the way.
Econ classes practice distribution of study materials
Cohen Wilson, Staff Writer
March 19, 2024
Peter Kim’s economics classes covered the windows of the 1400-1700 connector hallway with notes, graphs, and formulas.
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About the Contributors

Cohen Wilson, Reporter
Cohen is a senior and this is her first year on staff. She’s a writer and a natural born storyteller.

Tre Holley, Photo Editor
Tre is a senior and a first year member of the Lightridge News staff. He is primarily interested in photojournalism.